Журнал: «Вісник науки та освіти» №8, 2024

Author: Chornous  Vira

Title of the article: The theoretical aspects of forming professional Competence of future foreign language Teachers

Keywords: competence, professional competence, future foreign language teacher, professional activity, formation of professional competence.

Abstract. The articles analyzes  modern aspects  of  the  formation  of  professional competence of future  foreign language teachers, considers  the concepts of “competence”, “professional competence”, defines the main components of professional competence of a future foreign language teacher: communicative, methodical, informational, psychological, emotional, pedagogical, project, prognostic, organizational, effective, innovative. It was determined that the professional competence of the future foreign language   teacher   is   considered   as   a harmonious combination of basic knowledge, abilities, skills, personal qualities and ways of thinking that allow to successfully engage in professional activities. The  main  ways  of  forming  the  professional competence of  students of higher education  institutions are  highlighted:  scientific  and  methodological support of teacher training taking into account the main types of competences of  future  specialists;  development  and  publication  of  training  programs,  methodological  manuals,  introduction  of  new  teaching  methods;  use  of  mass media; study of world pedagogical experience.


Джерело: http://perspectives.pp.ua/index.php/vno/article/view/14546/14616